Overview Information


The Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit (SELU) with the assistance of the College of Education and qualified professionals, first developed the Educational Assistants' Professional Learning Series (EAPLS) almost 20 years ago. Over time the modules have been revised to respond to the current learning needs as identified by educational professionals in provincial school divisions and First Nations education authorities. The EA Professional Learning Series is comprised of seven stand-alone modules that support the ongoing learning of educational assistants. Each of the modules is facilitated by a qualified SELU consultant providing interactive instruction pertinent to the work of educational assistants in schools.

Originally the professional learning series was designed to have a SELU consultant on-site to facilitate each of the modules. Recently there has been significant interest in offering the series through a virtual learning environment. SELU has renewed each of the five modules and has added two new modules.  We offer the modules through an online broadcast throughout the school year. Please check the SELU website for webinar updates.

Module Overview

The SELU Educational Assistants' Professional Learning Series learning outcomes include:

  1. To provide professional learning opportunities aligned with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education's Inclusionary Philosophy and Beliefs
  2. To develop an understanding of roles and collaboration skills within multidisciplinary teams
  3. To develop skills to support students' independence and inclusion
  4. To develop an understanding of a range of academic supports
  5. To develop an understanding of a range of behaviour supports

EAPLS Module 1:  Collaborative Teams

Participants will learn about roles in multidisciplinary teams and practise skills of collaboration, team building, problem solving, and interpersonal communication.

EAPLS Module 2:  Supports for Learning

Participants will develop an understanding of the Saskatchewan's Ministry of Education learning models, the importance of relationships, the tiered approach to meeting student needs, the philosophy of inclusion, how to foster independence and self-determination, and effective problem solving to determine student learning goals, interventions, and supports.

EAPLS Module 3:  Academic Supports for Learning

Participants will develop an understanding of how to best support students as independent learners and the importance of explicit instruction that helps build automatic and reasoning skills.

EAPLS Module 4:  Understanding and Supporting Student Behaviour

Participants will develop an understanding of ways to support students' emotional and behavioural development within the classroom and school community.

EAPLS Module 5:  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Participants will develop an understanding of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and explore effective strategies for introducing environmental, learning, and behavioural supports.

EAPLS Module 6:  Understanding and Supporting Students with Autism

Participants will develop an understanding of children and youth on the Autism Spectrum and explore effective strategies to support communication, social, behavioural, and academic learning.

EAPLS Module 7:  Understanding and Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities

Participants will develop an understanding of the impact of learning disabiities upon learning, and explore effective strategies to enhance the academic success and socio-emotional well-being of students.

2023-2024 Broadcast Schedule

August 29, 2023 - Module 5 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - COMPLETED

August 30, 2023 - Module 6 - Understanding and Supporting Students with Autism - COMPLETED

August 31, 2023 - Module 7 - Understanding and Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities - COMPLETED

 October 6, 2023 - Module 1 - Collaborative Teams - COMPLETED

November 21, 2023 - Module 2 - Supports for Learning - COMPLETED

January 31, 2024 - Module 3 - Academic Supports for Learning - COMPLETED

 March 15, 2024 - Module 4 - Understanding and Supporting Student Behaviour - COMPLETED

Cost: $100.00 + GST=$105.00/per module

Please note that there is a minimum registration required for the modules to be broadcast.
* If you are interested in scheduling a broadcast for your school, school division or First Nation education authority, contact SELU at selu.info@usask.ca


In March 2020, the University of Saskatchewan outlined special measures designed to ensure quality in the delivery of all educational programs in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In full compliance with these measures, SELU has worked to transition many of its professional development opportunities to online delivery.  

As a result, we are conscious of the wide variety of technical backgrounds and facilities available to potential participants in our online events. To offer assurances—and to maintain our own—in advance of registration in any of our online programs, SELU requires that potential participants complete the Zoom meeting test below when they register.

By completing the Zoom meeting test when participants register, they will immediately know if they need to do any troubleshooting prior to the broadcast. SELU is unable to provide technical support during the broadcast. Be aware that you will require (at a minimum) a desktop or laptop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers, as well as web access through an updated version of the Chrome or FireFox web browser. Acessing the webinar on a cellphone is not advised.


Step 1: Test Zoom Meeting

From the computer you intend to use when you participate in an EAPLS Module, and with that computer connected to your internet service, please click on the following button to run the Zoom meeting.

Please be aware that all participants will require—at the very minimum:

  • a desktop or laptop computer (hand-held devices are insufficient) with:
    • a camera,
    • a microphone,
    • speakers,
    • internet access, and
    • an up-to-date version of the Chrome or FireFox web browser.

Step 2: Registration - Closed

For group registrations by school divisions or First Nations education authorities, please have a contact person for the group complete the group registration spreadsheet available in the registration form. Once submitted, a representative of SELU will contact the contact person to discuss payment options.