Welcome to the College of Education
On behalf of the Dean, Dr Michelle Prytula, and our faculty, staff, and students, please let me welcome you to the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan.
We have been working hard to prepare a program for your studies that combines quality instruction with opportunities for deep understanding of teaching and learning in Canadian schools and classrooms. We are very pleased that the departments of Curriculum Studies and Educational Administration in the College have offered their expertise over the first four weeks of your stay; and that our two local school divisions are so willing to share their schools, teachers, and students with you in mid-September. We very sincerely hope that you will take advantage of these learning environments, building on your own experiences at Capital Normal University.
Our shared goal with our colleagues at Capital Normal is to facilitate the preparation of exceptional teachers, flush with many and varied tools that support the learning needs of all children. We believe your participation in this International Teacher Development Program will advance your competence, skill, and experience as a teacher. We hope that throughout your future career, you will look back fondly on the time you spent in Saskatoon at the University of Saskatchewan—incorporating insights and methods learned here, in support of your practice as a strong teacher.
A special thank-you to our instructors Dr Wilson and Ms Campbell-Chudoba, Ms Robertson in the Associate Dean's Office, Mr Doell and his team in Registrarial Services, Ms Mattola and her team in ISSAC, Dr Lee and Ms Tang from the International Office, and Ms Prowse and the dedicated team from SELU for their day-to-day support for your stay.
Wishing you all the best in your studies.
Dr David Burgess
Associate Dean
(Research, Graduate Support, & International Initiatives)
College of Education
What is the International Teacher Development Program?
The International Teacher Development Program – Summer Course is a two course program designed and delivered by faculty of the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. The event offers students from key university partners around the world the opportunity to study in a Canadian U15 research-intensive university within a condensed period of time.
In 2018, the Program's Summer Course runs for five weeks—including four weeks of undergraduate university classroom study, followed by a week of elementary and secondary school classroom observations.
This study abroad program aims to expose students to leading educational institutions and facilitate interaction and networking with academics, school leaders, and policy makers. The purpose of the Summer Course is to provide a platform to advance knowledge sharing, research collaboration, educational partnership development, and other collaboration opportunities between our Universities and beyond. Through this program, the College of Education continues to meet our strong commitments to internationalization at the University of Saskatchewan, and we contribute to the advancement of the pillars within the University of Saskatchewan International Blueprint.
Additional Information
More information about Saskatoon and amenities of the University of Saskatchewan campus has been prepared for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the University team working with you.
School Visits
Please understand that privacy laws in Canada restrict your ability to take photographs of students. Please do not take photographs in schools that include the faces of children. Please ask adults before taking their photo.
University of Saskatchewan Professors
Dr Jay WILSON | Head, Department of Curriculum Studies |
Curriculum-making is an intentional act of organizing, designing, developing, and assessing outcomes/objectives of learning experiences in subject areas. Planning for instruction occurs through the interaction of educators, learners, contexts and provincial curricula, including English Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Practical and Applied Arts, Sciences, Fine Arts, and Physical Education. Considerations for planning, intellectual practice, assessment, and building learning experiences will be aspects of this course, with a focus on lesson and unit planning. Culturally responsive instruction, technology, questioning, and planning for exceptionalities will be featured topics to support Teacher Candidates in thinking about the planning cycle. |
Ms Roberta CAMPBELL-CHUDOBA | PhD Candidate, Department of Educational Administration |
In this senior undergraduate class, student participants will explore the theories and practices of classroom management and leadership focused on student achievement. Student participants will develop and demonstrate an understanding of these theories and practices. Issues in, expectations of, and strategies for student behaviour management will be examined from different perspectives. Concepts including trust, engagement, motivation, choice, needs, compliance, instructional modification, and student participants will engage in problem-solving activities related to these and other ideas. |
Additional Support Personnel
To ensure the success of the International Teacher Development Program (ITDP), additional support personnel have been provided, such as a program chaperone (Ms Patricia Prowse). Prior to September 10th – 14th, when students will be visiting Saskatoon schools, they will participate in an Orientation Session. This session will provide the students with what they need to know to be successful during the week of in-school (primary and secondary) observations of Canadian teaching and learning. At this meeting the students will also meet the in-school mentors. These in-school mentors are educators who are familiar with the educational settings that the students will be visiting. During the school visits the in-school mentors’ role is to welcome the students, provide in-school supports as needed, and facilitate a debriefing of the learning at the end of each school day.
Local School Hosts
The College of Education is very thankful for the kind offers of support that have come from Saskatoon Public Schools and from the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division. The program would not be a success without the participation of teachers, in-school administration, and senior leadership. Thank you École Forest Grove Elementary School, Willowgrove Elementary School, Holy Family Catholic Elementary School, Centennial Collegiate and St Joseph's Catholic High School.
Teachers' willingness to share their classrooms and students with the pre-service teachers from Capital Normal University is very much appreciated.
Capital Normal University Teachers
Ms LIU Haibo | College of International Education (attending with the group) |
Mr GUO Bingke | College of International Education (supporting in Beijing) |
ITDP 2018 Program
Program Objectives
The major goal of the ITDP is to provide an intensive opportunity for participants from Capital Normal University and the University of Saskatchewan to deepen their knowledge of theory, practice, and reflection, contributing to their skills as teacher leaders. The activities of the ITDP will:
- expose students to leading foreign educational institutions;
- facilitate interaction and networking with academics, school teachers, school administrators, and policy makers; and
- provide students with an opportunity for emersion English language during a homestay with local Canadian families.
Additional Program Materials
ITDP 2018 Group Photos
ITDP 2018 Organizing Committee
Mr Bruce BRADSHAW | College of Education (SELU) |
Dr David BURGESS | College of Education (Associate Dean) |
Ms Cecile LAPRAIRIE | College of Education (SELU) |
Ms Patricia PROWSE | College of Education (SELU) |
Ms Charlene ROBERTSON | College of Education (Associate Dean's Office) |
Ms Linda STANVILOFF | College of Education (SELU) |